Web Site Design 1 : HTML CLASS 1 | CLASS 2 | CLASS 3 | CLASS 4 | CLASS 5 | CLASS 6 | CLASS 7

CLASS 6 : Designing with HTML

Web design is more than graphics and text, more than "translating" a print layout into HTML and displaying it on screen. The Web is a new medium with elements of design all its own.

Early HTML authors' backgrounds tended to be in engineering or programming, and not graphic design. To create a striking visual effect, many non-designer HTML authors use plain old HTML elements in non-standard, but highly creative ways.

  • the days...
    Just a plain table, with careful attention to spacing, font colors and choices can produce an attractive result. (Note: This table actually uses some very advanced HTML, but similar effects could be achieved with the basic HTML you've learned in this class.)
  • excite.com
    Tables nested within tables, with different background colors and careful use of cellpadding and cellspacing serve to group and section off content into separate elements.
  • resound.net
    Scroll down to the "Tech Notes" at the bottom of the page to see a creative use of form elements to present content interactively and with a sense of humor.
  • chank.com
    Scroll all the way down to the bottom and see how plain horizontal rules, used creatively, create a striking visual effect.
  • Birth of Venus
    Even plain keyboard characters with a little bit of color can (re-)create true art.

As you view Web sites from now on, look carefully at them and try and figure out how they "did it." If you can't, view the source code and figure it out for yourself. As you learn the ways that other people write HTML, you'll become a better author yourself. The more you practice writing HTML, you'll develop standard "expressions" that you'll use again to develop your style. And, as you become more and more fluent in HTML, you may find yourself stretching the boundaries of the language and developing new ways to express yourself.


Designing with HTML

  1. See what kind of effect you can achieve with creative use of font face, color, and size in a table.
  2. Try nesting tables, adjusting the cell padding and spacing and background colors until you get an effect you like — view the source code from excite.com and copy and paste it in your text editor to get you started.
  3. Experiment with presenting your content in form elements — what kind of content works best with the different types of input elements?
  4. Try creating shapes and patterns with plain keyboard characters or horizontal rules. Apply the blink tag to some elements and see if you can create an attractive result.


Designing with HTML


Wrap-up and review
Publishing and promoting your Web page(s)